How to build MoveIt2 project in this Space-ROS project?

I have followed the documentation to build Space-ROS from this github project.
GitHub - space-ros/docker: Docker images to facilitate Docker-based development.

But I am getting error when building the moveit2 project. So, what is possible solution for building MoveIt2 docker for Space-ROS docker?

I want to run this demos using Space-ROS.
GitHub - space-ros/demos: Various Space ROS demos.

I have treid to ask this question on ROS discussion forum but question removed and also asked on github project issues but still not getting answer. So, I think I may get answer here.

I have already built space-ros docker successfully.
But, not able to build docker image for MoveIt.

~/spaceros_root_ws/docker/moveit2$ ./

I have tried to patch the source by editing the source in Dockerfile but I don’t think it is good idea?

RUN sed -i -e 's/trajectory/trajectory_/g' ${MOVEIT2_DIR}/src/moveit_task_constructor/core/src/solvers/pipeline_planner.cpp

This is the error.

#0 8054.9 Starting >>> moveit_task_constructor_core
#0 8121.9 --- stderr: moveit_task_constructor_core
#0 8121.9 /home/spaceros-user/moveit2/src/moveit_task_constructor/core/src/solvers/pipeline_planner.cpp: In member function ‘virtual bool moveit::task_constructor::solvers::PipelinePlanner::plan(const PlanningSceneConstPtr&, const PlanningSceneConstPtr&, const moveit::core::JointModelGroup*, double, robot_trajectory::RobotTrajectoryPtr&, const Constraints&)’:
#0 8121.9 /home/spaceros-user/moveit2/src/moveit_task_constructor/core/src/solvers/pipeline_planner.cpp:183:22: error: ‘struct planning_interface::MotionPlanResponse’ has no member named ‘trajectory’; did you mean ‘trajectory_’?
#0 8121.9   183 |         result = res.trajectory;
#0 8121.9       |                      ^~~~~~~~~~
#0 8121.9       |                      trajectory_
#0 8121.9 /home/spaceros-user/moveit2/src/moveit_task_constructor/core/src/solvers/pipeline_planner.cpp: In member function ‘virtual bool moveit::task_constructor::solvers::PipelinePlanner::plan(const PlanningSceneConstPtr&, const moveit::core::LinkModel&, const Isometry3d&, const Isometry3d&, const moveit::core::JointModelGroup*, double, robot_trajectory::RobotTrajectoryPtr&, const Constraints&)’:
#0 8121.9 /home/spaceros-user/moveit2/src/moveit_task_constructor/core/src/solvers/pipeline_planner.cpp:208:22: error: ‘struct planning_interface::MotionPlanResponse’ has no member named ‘trajectory’; did you mean ‘trajectory_’?
#0 8121.9   208 |         result = res.trajectory;
#0 8121.9       |                      ^~~~~~~~~~
#0 8121.9       |                      trajectory_
#0 8121.9 gmake[2]: *** [src/CMakeFiles/moveit_task_constructor_core.dir/build.make:244: src/CMakeFiles/moveit_task_constructor_core.dir/solvers/pipeline_planner.cpp.o] Error 1
#0 8121.9 gmake[2]: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....
#0 8121.9 gmake[1]: *** [CMakeFiles/Makefile2:254: src/CMakeFiles/moveit_task_constructor_core.dir/all] Error 2
#0 8121.9 gmake: *** [Makefile:146: all] Error 2
#0 8121.9 ---
#0 8121.9 Failed   <<< moveit_task_constructor_core [1min 7s, exited with code 2]
#0 8122.2 [Processing: moveit_task_constructor_core]
#0 8122.2 [Processing: moveit_task_constructor_core]
#0 8122.2
#0 8122.2 Summary: 98 packages finished [2h 15min 15s]
#0 8122.2   1 package failed: moveit_task_constructor_core
#0 8122.2   40 packages had stderr output: angles controller_manager diff_drive_controller eigen_stl_containers generate_parameter_library generate_parameter_library_py geometric_shapes ignition_cmake2_vendor ignition_math6_vendor joint_state_publisher joint_state_publisher_gui joint_trajectory_controller kinematics_interface kinematics_interface_kdl launch_param_builder libcurl_vendor moveit_common moveit_configs_utils moveit_plugins moveit_resources_fanuc_description moveit_resources_fanuc_moveit_config moveit_resources_panda_description moveit_resources_panda_moveit_config moveit_resources_pr2_description moveit_resources_prbt_support moveit_task_constructor_core octomap ompl parameter_traits python_qt_binding realtime_tools ros2_control_test_assets ros2controlcli rviz_assimp_vendor rviz_ogre_vendor tl_expected urdfdom_py warehouse_ros xacro yaml_cpp_vendor
#0 8122.2   33 packages not processed
 133 |     # Build MoveIt2
 134 | >>> RUN /bin/bash -c 'source ${SPACEROS_DIR}/install/setup.bash \
 135 | >>>   && colcon build --cmake-args -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCMAKE_EXPORT_COMPILE_COMMANDS=ON --event-handlers desktop_notification- status- --parallel-workers 1'
 136 |
ERROR: failed to solve: process "/bin/sh -c /bin/bash -c 'source ${SPACEROS_DIR}/install/setup.bash   && colcon build --cmake-args -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCMAKE_EXPORT_COMPILE_COMMANDS=ON --event-handlers desktop_notification- status- --parallel-workers 1'" did not complete successfully: exit code: 2

##### Done! #####
