Gradebot Fails to compile the package. But the terminal is successfully compiling it

So I am in Unit 4 and submitted my quiz after ensuring all the checklists. But somehow gradebot returns as not able to compile my package, even though running catkin_make and catkin build as well works. And because of a mouse click error, it took me to the solution page and now Im not even able to submit my quiz. Any suggestion would be appreciated.

Hi @gowresh, welcome to the community!

Please make sure you only compile with catkin_make to avoid errors with the grader. Please, delete your build and devel folders and compile again:

cd ~/catkin_ws
rm -rf build/ devel/
source devel/setup.bash

As for the mouse error, I will allow more attempts to resubmit your quiz. Please remember that from now on, pressing the “view solution” button will disable further attempts to submit the quiz.

Thank you very much!

The same happens to me. It has given me the same error 5 times. And I have tried everything including creating it again.

[08:57:32][assess] topics_quiz package not found. I can’t believe this!

  • Did you create it in /home/user/catkin_ws/src?
  • Did you run catkin_make after creating it?
  • Was the compilation successful?
  • Did you run source devel/setup.bash after compiling?
  • Did you find it in rospack list? If not, did you try rospack profile?

You didn’t need to try 5 times before contacting us. Please check the points given by the gradebot, and the suggestions by @roalgoal in the solution.

You have two more trials now.

Hello. Thanks for the answer and for the two extra opportunities.

One question, maybe silly, should the package be created in the ROS Basics Real Robot Project or in the ROS Basics in 5 Days (Python) course?

Greetings and thank you.

It should be created in the course.