Failing to execute programmatical planning a second time


While following this course I get an error at Unit 4. When launching the file which executes the to plan and execute a motion in Rviz and Gazebo the first time everything looks right and in both environments the robot moves to a different pose. But when I change values and execute it again it does not change the pose and shows the following error:

Unhandled exception in thread started by
sys.excepthook is missing
lost sys.stderr

I tried this with different values for the pose_target to be sure it has nothing to do with e.g. the robot limits. What else could it be?

Hello @carlos.giese14,

Sorry for the late response. It looks like it could be a problem with the state of the arm (joint states topic) not being properly updated after the first movement. Make sure that you are properly mapping the joint states topic.
