Exercise3.1 : SyntaxError: Non-ASCII character

I am trying to do Exercise3,1
I have te error in the image below.

Below is my python code

#! /usr/bin/env python

​import rospkg

import rospy

# Import the service message used by the service /gazebo/delete_model

from iri_wam_reproduce_trajectory.srv import ExecTraj, ExecTrajRequest

# Initialise a ROS node with the name service_client


# Wait for the service client /gazebo/delete_model to be running


# Create the connection to the service

traj_request_client= rospy.ServiceProxy('/execute_trajectory', ExecTraj)

# Create an object of type DeleteModelRequest

rospack = rospkg.RosPack()

# This rospack.get_path() works in the same way as $(find name_of_package) in the launch files.

traj = rospack.get_path('iri_wam_reproduce_trajectory') + "/config/get_food.txt"

traj_request_obj = ExecTrajRequest()
traj_request_obj.file = traj_file_path

# Send through the connection the name of the object to be deleted by the service

result = execute_trajectory_service_client(traj_request_obj)

# Print the result given by the service called

print result

Hi @jimohafeezco,
when I open the content you pasted here with vi, I see that the third line is <200b>import rospkg

Could you copy the content I’m pasting here in your file and try executing it again? Or you could just remove the line import rospkg and type it again.

Here is the content without that special char:

#! /usr/bin/env python

import rospkg

import rospy

# Import the service message used by the service /gazebo/delete_model

from iri_wam_reproduce_trajectory.srv import ExecTraj, ExecTrajRequest

# Initialise a ROS node with the name service_client


# Wait for the service client /gazebo/delete_model to be running


# Create the connection to the service

traj_request_client= rospy.ServiceProxy('/execute_trajectory', ExecTraj)

# Create an object of type DeleteModelRequest

rospack = rospkg.RosPack()

# This rospack.get_path() works in the same way as $(find name_of_package) in the launch files.

traj = rospack.get_path('iri_wam_reproduce_trajectory') + "/config/get_food.txt"

traj_request_obj = ExecTrajRequest()
traj_request_obj.file = traj_file_path

# Send through the connection the name of the object to be deleted by the service

result = execute_trajectory_service_client(traj_request_obj)

# Print the result given by the service called

print result