Exercise 5.12 - No message received and simulated time is active. Is /clock being published?

I followed the tutorial of exercise 5.12b. But it will not allow me to run rostopic echo on any of the topics in any of the webshells. I can see that the action server is running, but it gives me the following message:

user:~$ rostopic list


user:~$ rostopic echo /fibonacci_as/result
WARNING: no messages received and simulated time is active.
Is /clock being published?

What is wrong?

Hi again,

I guess my mistake is the lack of call - however, when I do that, I get this message:

user:~$ rostopic pub /fibonacci_as/goal actionlib_tutorials/FibonacciActionGoal

Usage: rostopic pub /topic type [args…]

rostopic: error: Please specify message values

I have tried so many things now, how do I specify these values?

after typing this, pres tab twice to autofill the correct default message. Then you can add data to it