Exercise 4.6 navigation in 5 days using ros

can not find the /plan topic is there something i missed i already launched the amcl move_base and map_server every thing is working fine in

cluding the nav_goal

Hi @80601 ,

Could you please post the complete output of rostopic list as a code-block?

Partial screenshots of terminal outputs does not help us to help you!

Also the topic name you are looking for will not be just /plan. It would be more like /move_base/<your_global_planner_name>/plan.


oh i didn’t think that i was just expecting to see /plan
but i found it it is /move_base/DWAPlannerROS/global_plan right!

Hi @80601 ,

Yes, that is correct.

But please do check if there is a any topic called /plan associated with /move_base.
I can’t exactly remember all the topics that move_base produces right now.
If you can’t find anything with just /.../plan then it has to be the one that you have said, the /move_base/.../global_plan.
