Excersise 3.5: drone_application.msg import error

While completing exercise 3.5 I run into an error : import drone_application.msg
ImportError: No module named drone_application.msg

Has someone faced a similar problem ?

Yes i face with same problem did you fix?

No, not yet. It might be because drone_application.msg is missing from the package. If we can know the format of the msg, maybe we can recreate and fix it.

I tried resolving it through the method shown here: https://www.theconstructsim.com/solve-error-importerror-no-module-named-xxxx-msg-2/

But it does not work. I am stuck, any help would be appreciated.

So after coming out of construct cloud and following all the steps my RVIZ gets stuck, whenver I try to add motion planing tab into RVIZ it gets stuck.