Exam task 3 python in 5 days

Hello how are you the construct team i need you to help me in my prerequisites exam of python in 5 days i have an error that in the terminal when i run the task three of the exam it goes correctly but in the gradebot i found an error can you help me pls i provide the code below thankyou!


from robot_control_class import RobotControl

import math

class ExamControl:

def get_laser_readings(self):

    output = []

    rc = RobotControl()

    laser = rc.get_laser_full()



    return output

def main(self):

    rc = RobotControl()

    d_left, d_right = self.get_laser_readings()

    print(d_left, d_right)

    while True:


        d_left, d_right = self.get_laser_readings()

        print(d_left, d_right)

        if ( math.isinf(d_left)) and ( math.isinf(d_right)):



testMove = ExamControl()


Hi @ghassan11 , this usually means that you left a process runing in one of your terminals. Make sure you kill everything in yout four terminals by pressing control+C. Also, make sure that you have named your files as instructed, since they have to be identical for the gradebot to work

Hi @ghassan11,

the instructions in the notebooks could be saying that you should not call the main function “testMove.main()” when submitting your code for correction.

I would recommend you review the instructions and submit the quiz again.