Eufsa sim robot not visible

I am use eufsa_sim it is a gazebo sim for driverless formula student car but,
when ı start the sim only tyre is viseble ı have no idea why it is hapening, ı try this on my loacl machine its work porfectly but when ı try on theconstructsim the car and track is gone only
tyre left. I take ı image from camera on the car on the camera every think is visible.

thanks allready

Hello @mtu3324 ,

Do you mind to share your rosject with me?

If you feel comfortable, this is my e-mail


Temporary link:
Expires at 2021-03-16 14:57

This the link

Hi @mtu3324 ,

Just cloned it.

I’ve changed the simulation to the simulation_ws, which is recommended in out platform, so the web client of gazebo can take into account mesh files.

I could get this model shown like the image attached, although the textures were not being show yet. This web client has some limitations.

Some recomendations:

  • Use the simulation_ws to store description packages
  • Make sure you don’t have absolute paths of meshes, textures, etc.
  • Some gazebo colors are not aplied, though textures of .DAE shown to be better rendered

Here it goes my version of your rosject with the packages moved to simulation_ws

(I had to install ackermann pkgs to compile it)


Thank you for your help.