Error while lauching moveit package in Gazebo simulations

Hi I am getting this many times when I am making launching file from moveit to Gazebo. I have followed all guidelines in ros manipulation course. Your suggestions will,be helpful.

Hello @more.1787364,

It looks like the issue is with an argument named execution_type in the mrm_moveit_controller_manager.launch.xml file. Try commenting this parameter and see if solves the problem.


this is my file. I commented but have same issue.

I am using local computer with ubuntu 20.04 and noetic ros

Hello @more.1787364,

Then this is probably the reason since our courses are working on Ubuntu 16 + ROS Kinetic. We are planning to port all the courses to Noetic in the close future though. I would suggest you look for the latest MoveIt tutorials which are based on Noetic.
