Error on importing moveit files

Hi while creating moveit config in the setup assistant I get the following error.
Undefined parameters [joint_limited] None None
when instantiating macro: ur5_robot (/home/user/catkin_ws/src/ur_description/urdf/ur5.urdf.xacro)
in file: /home/user/catkin_ws/src/ur_description/urdf/my_robot.xacro

I can import the ur5_robot.urdf.xacro easily and create the config, however if I want to use my own xacro, it gives the error.

The first few lines of my Xacro are:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<xacro:include filename="$(find ur_description)/urdf/ur5_robot.urdf.xacro" />
<xacro:ur5_robot prefix=""/>

<link name="world"/>

Please let me know where I am I going wrong?




I would test that xacro before using it in Moveit wizzard, by spawning that robot in an empty world to see exactly what is going on. XACRO error messages can be very cryptic sometimes. That could be becuase in tha xacro macro you are not giving an input that it needs.

Check that first.

And then, may I ask why you need to do this in the course?


I need it for the Chapter 4: Final Project. Although, I can import the robot alone and do the simulation but what I need is the table etc on which the robot can be mounted, just like the one with the motoman in Chapter 2,3 etc.

Ok , then if you want to do a more complex XACRO than the one needed for the project,

have a look at how its done on the SIA robot that you use in the course:


There the table being the robotcell will show you how to add al the table into the Robot Xacro.

Hey man,

Thanks a lot for a quick reply!

I am trying it out and will let you know.

In the meantime, I have a quick question.

<xacro:motoman_sia10f prefix=“”/>

In the above line, how do we know that it is “motoman_sia10f”? Where is this information available? In case of UR, what should I write instead? I was just trying out various combinations earlier.

Lastly, is there any course certificate for this course?




Just to update you, I have figured it out and able to build the required xarco file. Somehow, I couldn’t get it running on your RDS IDE. I ran it on my system. Will try again to run it on your system as well.

Btw, when I did roscd in ur_description, it was actually ur_description_new. Please see if there is any inconsistency since the xacro files mention that they want to look in ur_description "$find(ur_description), so let’s keep it standard. I downloaded all the UR files again from github and I am able to now run my simulation. It was a good learning experience doing the course, however there is room for improvement in you content and delivery.

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Good to know you figured it out.

There are in the system two ur_descriptions:

user:~$ roscd ur_description
ur_description/ ur_description_new/

So you might have gone to the new one. The _new versio is used in another course.

As for improvements in the ocurse, we would love to hear your feedback on it, because we want to deliver better courses each day. So any suggestion improvement that you can give us, we will imprement it as soon as possible and consider it for making more courses on the Industrial robotics topic.