Error in object detection- error in Running the Object Detection nodes

hello i have a problem in unit 3 ros2 manipulation perception, when i try to run this command :
ros2 run simple_grasping basic_grasping_perception_node --ros-args -p debug_topics:=true

i got an error like this :
/home/user/ros2_ws/install/simple_grasping/lib/simple_grasping/basic_grasping_perception_node: symbol lookup error: /home/user/ros2_ws/install/simple_grasping/lib/simple_grasping/basic_grasping_perception_node: undefined symbol: _ZNK12class_loader11ClassLoader14getLibraryPathB5cxx11Ev

can anyone help me solve this?

did you find a solution? i’m facing the same error

Hello @Scotvers @eyaleyal ,

That looks like a sourcing issue. Could you please try resetting your Shell (click on the red cross on the top-right corner of the Shell) and try running the following commands:

source /opt/ros/foxy/setup.bash
source ~/ros2_ws/install/setup.bash
ros2 run simple_grasping basic_grasping_perception_node --ros-args -p debug_topics:=true