Could I suggest you make a live class or tutorial on vison servoing manipulation in ROS?

Hi all, could I suggest you make a live class or tutorial on vison servoing manipulation in ROS? like by using visp? I firmly think this could be a great supplement to your ROS perception and ROS manipulation courses. In your great ROS perception course, object tracking and recognition are well explained but visual servoing is not touched. You know it is one of the hot directions. Would you consider make a live class on it?

Thanks a lot for your suggestion. We love your suggestions a lot!

Definitely yes, I think it is a hot topic. I have checked the VISP for ROS package and it looks amazing. Let us prepare that for the last week of November.

Do not hesitate to send us more suggestions

That’s awesome. Can’t wait to see related courses from you. You guys always make ROS easy to learn. Thanks a lot. Cheers

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