Cant delete cafe_table

rosservice call /gazebo/delete_model “model_name: ‘cafe_table’”
/opt/ros/kinetic/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/rosservice/ YAMLLoadWarning: calling yaml.load() without Loader=… is deprecated, as the default Loader is unsafe. Please read for full details.

@bulutenesemre Did you mean that the table did not disappear?

Please ignore that warning; it doesn’t stop the command from executing correctly. I just ran the command myself and got the warning, but the table disappeared as expected. You should see something like this:

user:~$ rosservice call /gazebo/delete_model "model_name: 'cafe_table'"
/opt/ros/kinetic/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/rosservice/ YAMLLoadWarning: calling yaml.load() without Loader=... is deprecated, asthe default Loader is unsafe. Please read for full details.
success: True
status_message: "DeleteModel: successfully deleted model"

the problem is when I refresh page it worked dunno why it happened

My table won’t disappear. Haha :). I get the following error message:

rosservice call /gazebo/delete_model “model_name: ‘cafe_table’”
success: False
status_message: “DeleteModel: Model pushed to delete queue, but delete service timed out waiting for
\ model to disappear from simulation”

After looking at some google articles it seems this is common for both the Python and C++ structure. It is interesting this hasn’t worked correctly. I get the gist but seems odd. My two colleagues who are also doing the course didn’t have any problems. The table disappeared for them fine.



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Hi @dale.carter84,

Thanks for the update. Yes, it’s a problem with Gazebo and happens once in a while. We’re working on a permanent fix. Thanks for your understanding.

I’m guessing that you accidentally changed the code in the notebook (which you can do by just typing in it). Thus running it, resulted in an error.

There should not be possible to write and modify the cells. We had blocked that feature in order to prevent those errors. We are going to correct that next Monday so people can safely interact with the cells without fear of modifying the actual content.

@bulutenesemre @dale.carter84,

Just wanted to let you know that we have replaced the /gazebo/delete_model/ with another example that works. Thanks so much for bearing with us.