Can you calibrate a 2d lidar (rplidar-a1) with a usb monocular camera (RGB only) using sensor fusion?

Hi, I’m trying to calibrate a 2d lidar (rplidar-a1) with a usb monocular camera (RGB only)? Is this possible or do you need a 3d lidar or a RGB-D camera in order to perform calibration between the two to achieve sensor fusion? I’ve not seen this covered in The Construct’s tutorials but I may well have missed it.
Many thanks in advance

Hi @e2022, welcome to the community!

You are right, I don’t think it is in the tutorials because it is a very specific scenario, unless you are trying to do sensor fusion for localization. In that case, you can check the Kalman Filters course: Learn Robotics from Zero - Robotics & ROS Online Courses as well as the sensor fusing course: Learn Robotics from Zero - Robotics & ROS Online Courses.

You might also want to check out RTAB-map and see if it can do what you are describing: Learn Robotics from Zero - Robotics & ROS Online Courses

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