Can we run all the simulation on our local machine?

I would like to run all the simulations on my local machine. It would give me a better understanding of everything going on in the background. Is there a way I can do this? Also, the machine seems really slow and the gzserver etc are always taking up 100% of the cores.

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First of all, you will need to have ROS installed in your local machine (you can find instructions on how to do this in the ROS Basics in 5 Days Course). Also, you will need to have Gazebo simulator (preferably the recommended version for your ROS version) working.

Once you have this, you will need a ROS workspace (you can also find instructions to create one on the ROS Basics in 5 Days course). Once you have it, you can start working on your local machine.

You can find all the simulations used in our courses here:

Hope this helps you,


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We do not recommend that you start learning ROS installing it in your own machine and installing simulations. That is a complex thing when you don’t have any knowledge about ROS. We recommend to start with the online system so you can accommodate the main ROS concepts in your head. Then, you will be equipped to attack the usage of ROS in your own system. We explain all that in the last Units of the ROS Basics course

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