Autonomous driving - URDF model

Hi guys I am very hurry in finishing my master thesis using ROS. I would like to know how many time I will take to finish all the modules regarding automous driving?
I have already a knowledge of ROS ( I read and did all the tutorials from the book: Mastering ROS from Joseph Lentin and finished the beginner tutorials of ROS-wiki during one year…)
I need to create a URDF too of an autonomous car, simulate an autonomous navigation in Rviz and Gazebo and later communicate ROS with a car of BMW we have in our lab in CARISSMA. I really need to comprehend everything! The CAN communication, generate URDF, simulate and take data from real sensor, send and deliver (exchange) data from ROS to NVDIA Drive PX and the inverse, in order to combine the data from the BMW High autonomous driving software and hardware and the sensors and I really have just 3 or 4 months to do all that! I am very worried about the time be not enough.
Could you give an idea of how much time I need to do that and pass me a list from the courses you offer that should be recommended me to do? I don’t want to lose time making wrong course…
Thanks in advance

Hello Marcus,

Well, that’s a hard question, to be honest. It depends on so many things, I cannot tell you how much time it will take you to learn all you need for your project, but definitely, it doesn’t look like an easy task at all. Related to our courses, I would recommend the following ones:

  • ROS Basics in 5 Days (Here you will get all the basic knowledge required)
  • ROS Navigation in 5 Days (Here you will get the basic concepts related to autonomous navigation)
  • Robot Creation with URDF (Here you will learn the basics related to creating URDF files)
  • ROS Autonomous Vehicles 101 (This will give you some basic concepts related to CAN BUS, for instance)

I would say that these are the main ones you would need to do, although there are many others that would also help you, for sure (ie. the TF ROS Coruse, TEB Planner Course, Perception Course…).

Anyways, keep in mind that our courses will provide you with the basic concepts you need to know, but you will still need to get extra knowledge (the more specialized one) in order to complete your project, for sure.

Hope this helps you,

Have a look at this simulation in Gazebo marcusvini178:

Here is the ROSject with all the needed code and plug and play. Just follow the instructions in the notebook. I think this will give you a very good basis to practice all you learn in the courses:

To use it for another car you will most probably just have to change the chasis mesh and the sensor arrangement depending on the car you use. Apart form that you have it ready to go, even with a highly complex world to practice in.

Hope it helps :wink:

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