Actions_quiz I cannot see actions topics using rostopic list

While I roslaunch my action server with no errors, doing rostopic list in another shell doesnt show the five topics of my action. Any ideas?


You should be able to see them because all shells are pointing to the same master. I recommend looking through the CMakelists.txt to see if you generated everything correctly for the action server.

Neither I can see the five action topics when running rostopic list by following Exercise 8.2:


None of the above appear after executing “roslaunch ardrone_as action_server.launch” and keeping it running in terminal 1, and then running rostopic list in terminal 2.

Hi, did you scroll up to check? Here is what I got:

Terminal 1

Terminal 2 (ensure you scroll back up after running the command)


I can see them now at the top of the list. Weird, I could have sworn they weren’t there when I did it earlier, but I could be wrong. Thanks!