3-PTAM based visual navigation

Getting the following error.

Hello apurva,

We are looking into this error. I will let you know as soon as we have a solution.


Still getting the error, sir can you fix it please?

Hello @hrushikesh.kyathari ,

Let me tell you that we have finally republished the Drones course. Unfortunately, we had to remove the Units based on the PTAM Visual navigation, due to some issues that couldn’t be solved. Instead of this Unit, we added another one based on RTABMap Navigation. Sorry for the inconveniences and thanks for your patience.


@albertoezquerro , it seems that the PTAM visual based navigation is back in the course, but now in Unit 6. I am getting an error that seems to be caused by tum_ardrone package itself. When running catkin_make, it keeps failing at:

[ 84%] Generating src/UINode/moc_RosThread.cxx
usr/include/boost/type_traits/detail/has_binary_operator.hp:50: Parse error at “BOOST_JOIN”
tum_ardrone/CMakeFiles/drone_gui.dir/build.make:71: recipe for target ‘tum_ardrone/src/UINode/moc_RosThread.cxx’ failed
make[2]: *** [tum_ardrone/src/UINode/moc_RosThread.cxx] Error 1
CMakeFiles/Makefile2:1913: recipe for target ‘tum_ardrone/CMakeFiles/drone_gui.dir/all’ failed
make[1]: *** [tum_ardrone/CMakeFiles/drone_gui.dir/all] Error 2
Makefile:138: recipe for target ‘all’ failed
make: *** [all] Error 2
Invoking “make -j2 -l2” failed

I tried deleting and re-cloning the package from the git repo with no luck.

Hello @meclinto,

It shouldn’t appear since it’s not working properly, as you’ve already seen. I’ve just removed the PTAM-related Units again from the course so that there’s no more confusions.
